Health Benefits of Ivy Leaves - Hedera

Shared by Kate
I can tell you how my hair strated growing faster. Here's the recipe: you water boil a hand of ivy leaves for 10 minutes and when it cools off you rinse your hair with the liquid after having removed the soaked leaves. It makes your hair thicker and considerably more shining. If you want to make your hair darker you can use the same recipe by adding chestnut leaves to it! No need to spend your money on suspicious stuff,,

Health Benefits of GUYABANO : (Annona muricata)

Life is not a matter of Chance, it's a matter or Choice Prevention or Cure? Wellness or Illness? We often don't care of our health , most of the time we do not give any precaution either. Mostly we take action if we already get sick,that's the time that we find time to be aware of our health. We always find regrets at the end. We can't hardly buy some food supplement to boost our immune system but instead we can easily spend thousand bucks for material things such as signature clothes,shoes and others. Choosing between expensive gadget or GUYABANO Capsule?Which one will you choose? Find time to care of your body, always take precaution when it comes to your health. You can't enjoy your wealth if you don't have a good health.REMEMBER: "Prevention is better than Cure."
Helps fight cancer cells..Kills malignant cells in 12 cancer types..(including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas)and selectively hunt down ad kill them Lower Blood Pressure. Treatment of pain and inflamation associated with arthritis and rheumatism Treat eczema and skin diseases.Protect immune system.

Health Benefits of Lagundi : (Vitex negundo)

Treat of cough,colds,fever,flu and other bronchopulmonary disorders

Relief of asthma and pharyngitis

Relief of rheumatism,dyspepsia,boils diarrhea

Clinically proven effective in treatment of various viral infections

Prevent the production of leukotrienes,a substance that triggers asthms attack

Highly recommended by the D.O.H

Health Benefits of MALUNGGAY - Moringa oleifera

Moringa is rich in Vitamin A. it contains four times more Vitamin A or beta-carotene

that carrots. Hence, it is a weapon against blindness.

It is also rich source of Vitamin C many times more that oranges.

Normally milk is said to be a rich source of calcium but the amount of calcium present
in moringa leaves is way higher than in milk.

The moringa leaves said to contain two times the protein present in milk

Bananas are a rich source of potassium. But moringa leaves contain several times more
potassium than bananas.

Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Tomatoes are often considered a vegetable, though in actuality they are a citrus fruit. Tomatoes are an incredibly versatile food. They are delicious eaten raw, in salads or on sandwiches, and take on a wonderful sweetness when cooked. Their high acid content makes them a perfect food for canning. Tomatoes are such an important part of the American diet that it’s hard to believe that they were once considered toxic. It wasn’t until the mid 1800’s that they became a staple food in the U.S.

One medium whole tomato contains around 22 calories, 0 grams of fat, 5 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of dietary fiber, 1 gram of protein and 6 milligrams of sodium. It also provides 40 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C, 20 percent of the RDA of vitamin A, 2 percent of the RDA of iron, and 1 percent of the RDA of calcium. Here are some of the health benefits of tomatoes.

1.       Ward off Cancer
Numerous studies have concluded that the more tomatoes people eat the lower their risks of certain cancers, especially lung, stomach and prostate cancers.  A substance called lycopene, which is responsible for tomatoes red color, is thought to be the reason for this cancer protective effect. Processed tomatoes contain even more lycopene than raw ones. The process of cooking breaks down the cell walls, helping to release the lycopene. Eating tomatoes with a little bit of fat, such as olive oil, helps lycopene to be better absorbed by the body.

2.      Prevent DNA Damage
Tomatoes are high in important antioxidants such as vitamin C and Vitamin A. These vitamins work to fend of DNA damage from free radicals. Consequently, tomatoes may help to ward off age related diseases such as atherosclerosis and diabetes.

3.      Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease
Tomatoes contain important nutrients, such as niacin, folate and vitamin B6, that have associated with the reduction of heart disease risk. One study found that women who ate 7 to 10 servings of tomato products per week had a 29 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease than women who consumed less than a serving and a half of tomato products each week. Results were even more impressive when the women ate oil-rich tomato products.

4.       Protect Against Thrombosis
Another study showed that drinking 8 ounces of tomato juice daily reduced platelet aggregation significantly, among study subjects. Those drinking a placebo showed no benefit. It’s important to drink low-sodium tomato juice if you are trying to protect against thrombosis (blood clots in the blood vessel) , as high sodium levels can cause negative effects for this type of disease.

5.      Ward off Inflammation
A double blind study found that drinking a glass of tomato juice a day can reduce blood levels of TNF-alpha by 34 percent. TNF-alpha causes inflammation. High levels have been found in individuals with most chronic, degenerative diseases such as heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s.

SAMBONG : (Blumea balsamifera)

In most of the Philippines, Blumea balsamifera is called sambong (pronounced with pure vowels as sahm-BOHNG) in the Tagalog language, but in Visayas it is known as bukadkad, and in Ilocos it is sometimes called subusob, subsub, or sobsob.Its primary uses are as a diuretic (or "water pill") and to treat symptoms of the common cold. As a diuretic, sambong is an herb used to treat urolithiasis (urinary tract or kidney stones) and urinary tract infections, and thus reduces high blood pressure.Sambong works as an expectorant, an anti-diarrheal and an anti-spasmotic, all of which treat some symptoms of the common cold. It is also sometimes used as an astringent for wounds. It is approved by the Philippine Department of Health, Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care, and by the Bureau of Plant Industries of the Department of Agriculture. 
Note that no claim has been made by any responsible practictioner that it would cure the common cold or kidney  disease, and has "No Approved Therapeutic Claims"; rather the only legitimate claim is that it relieves symptoms.
The active ingredients exist in the volatile oil, made from the leaves of the sambong, which have mostly camphor and limonene, but also has traces of borneol, saponin, sesquiterpene, and tannin.
In most of the Philippines, Blumea balsamifera is called sambong (pronounced with pure vowels as sahm-BOHNG) in the Tagalog language, but in Visayas it is known as bukadkad, and in Ilocos it is sometimes called subusob, subsub, or sobsob.Its primary uses are as a diuretic (or "water pill") and to treat symptoms of the common cold. As a diuretic, sambong is an herb used to treat urolithiasis (urinary tract or kidney stones) and urinary tract infections, and thus reduces high blood pressure.Sambong works as an expectorant, an anti-diarrheal and an anti-spasmotic, all of which treat some symptoms of the common cold. It is also sometimes used as an astringent for wounds. It is approved by the Philippine Department of Health, Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care, and by the Bureau of Plant Industries of the Department of Agriculture.
Note that no claim has been made by any responsible practictioner that it would cure the common cold or kidney disease, and has "No Approved Therapeutic Claims"; rather the only legitimate claim is that it relieves symptoms.
The active ingredients exist in the volatile oil, made from the leaves of the sambong, which have mostly camphor and limonene, but also has traces of borneol, saponin, sesquiterpene, and tannin.

32 Amazing Health Benefits Of Onions

32 Amazing Health Benefits Of Onions -CTTO Almost everyone knows that onions are very important for health. Onion is a daily must hav...