Rosemary - Health Benefits Of It

Health Benefit of Rosemary

Sniffing Rosemary Can Increase Memory by 75%.

Some people go to great lengths to help themselves remember important tasks or information, whether it’s memory-training drills, memory-enhancing drugs or mountains of calendars and to-do lists.

While technology has given us many tools to rely on, most of these don’t actually train your brain to remember better. Instead, it makes it easier to forget, knowing very well that these tools will store information without having to use our brains to do the work.

And yet, there is a better solution, and it starts within your pantry.

Rosemary For Remembrance
Rosemary has been used for millennia to increase alertness and enhance long-term memory. In fact, there are accounts of its use in the Universities of Ancient Greece. Even Shakespeare refers to its abilities in his play “Hamlet”.

Back in 2003, Researchers at Northumbria University, Newcastle showed that smelling rosemary is linked with “an enhancement of performance for overall quality of memory and secondary memory factors” (1).

Fast forward to 2012, the researchers are finally able to scientifically explain the cognitive-boosting abilities of the herb (2). This is what they discovered…

The new study followed twenty people as they performed subtraction exercises as well as visual information processing tasks and other tests. Their mood was also assessed before and after being exposed to the scent of rosemary in their work stations and blood samples were drawn.

Altogether, 66 people took part in the study and were randomly assigned to either the rosemary-scented room or another room with no scent.

The results showed that participants in the rosemary-scented room performed 60-75% better on remembering events to completing tasks at particular times as well as recalling things faster than the participants in the room with no scent.  So it definitely demonstrates an increase memory for many people.

Traces of Rosemary Compound Found In Blood
Researchers also found that the blood of participants exposed to the rosemary-scented room had detectable levels of 1,8-cineole, an active compound found in rosemary. The more 1,8-cineole they absorbed in their bloodstream, the more positive their results were.

“This compound is present in rosemary but has not previously been demonstrated to be absorbed into blood plasma in humans,” study researcher Dr. Mark Moss told MSNBC (3). “It is our view that the aroma therefore acts like a therapeutic drug, rather than any effects being a result of the more sensory properties of the aroma.”

The chemicals are also believed to have directly stimulated the olfactory nerve in the nose, which could have effects on brain functioning.

“We deliberately set them a lot of tasks, so it’s possible that people who multi-task could function better after sniffing rosemary oil”, said researcher Jemma McCready. “There was no link between the participants’ mood and memory. This suggests performance is not influenced as a consequence of changes in alertness or arousal.”

The herb also helped improve brain health thanks to its carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid, which impairs the growth of cancer cells and prevent Alzheimer’s by fighting free radical damage and protecting against beta amyloid-induced neurodegeneration in the hippocampus (4,5).

The Future of Aromatherapy
Researcher Dr. Mark Moss is excited at the real-life implications of the study: “… [we] focused on prospective memory, which involves the ability to remember events that will occur in the future and to remember to complete tasks at particular times. This is critical for everyday functioning, for example when someone needs to remember to post a birthday card or to take medication at a particular time.”

“Plants are very complex organisms and contain many different active compounds and these vary in concentration from plant to plant and even within the same plant over the course of a day,” he says.  “The accumulation of knowledge regarding possible impacts of plant aromas and extracts could potentially lead to an identification of the best combination to promote specific effects.”

Dr. Alan Hirsch, director of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, who was not involved in the study, agrees: “[the study] opens up the doorway for us to explore other odors and how they affect people” (6).

How To Use Rosemary
To help boost your memory, fill your office with the scent of rosemary by diffusing a few drops of high-quality organic essential oil using a diffuser. You can also keep a rosemary plant by your desk.

For an on-the-go solution, mix a drop of rosemary oil in a teaspoon of coconut oil and carry it in a small cosmetic tin. Rub a bit of oil on your wrists as needed to keep your brain sharp!


Removing Tartar Easily and Economically


Oil pulling or “kavala” or “gundusha” as it is known in the Ayurveda medicine, is an ancient dental technique which involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth on an empty stomach for about 15-20 minutes. This process flushes out toxins from the body and improves your oral and general health. The oil pulling technique is especially helpful for detoxifying your teeth and gums, and whitening your teeth at the same time.

People who have tried the technique say that it also helps with skin conditions, arthritis, asthma, headaches, hormonal imbalance, infections, etc. However, the oil pulling technique primarily improves your oral health. Try the method we’ll describe below and get rid of dental tartar, bad breath and plaque forever!

How to perform the technique?
You can perform oil pulling easily – just put a couple of teaspoons of vegetable oil (coconut, sesame, olive oil) in your mouth and swish it around for 20 minutes, then spit out and rinse with water. The method works best when performed in the morning before breakfast or coffee, or in the evening right before going to bed.

Put 1-2 teaspoons of a vegetable oil of your choice in your mouth then swish it for 20 minutes before spitting it out and rinsing with lukewarm water. During the swishing, the oil should become thicker and milky and should be creamy white when you spit it out. After rinsing your mouth with water, brush your teeth as usual.

The process will be a little difficult at first, but you will get used to it after a couple of minutes. Regularly using the technique will help you have a whiter and brighter smile in only a week!


3 Ingredients That Make Healthy Hair

About 80 million men and women in the United States have a problem with hair loss. The most common causes of hair loss can be: genetic factor, stress, poor diet, road exposure of toxins in the body, various medical treatments, childbirth (only in some women).

We will offer you a recipe for recovery and prevention of hair loss, which is considered to be very effective and people often use it. Hops, which is an integral part of the beer is full of protein, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, B vitamins as well as biotin, which helps in hair growth and prevents dandruff on the head. Also banana, which is also a key ingredient for this mask contains essential nutrients so as potassium, vitamin A, E and C.

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  • hairsoll

    Ingredients for this mask are:
    – 2 tablespoons honey
    – 100ml beer
    – 1 egg yolk
    – Half a banana

    Preparation and usage:
    Put all ingredients in a blender and mix well. The resultant mixture put on the head, where you have a problem, wrap a plastic bag and leave on for 2 hours. Then rinse your hair shampoo and repeat this procedure once a week. You will see amazing results.


    Health Benefits of Ivy Leaves - Hedera

    Shared by Kate
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