Other uses of Celery - Herbal Medicine

What is celery

Scientific Nmae : Apium graveolens

Common Names : Celery, kintsay, Apio, Ch'in-nst'ai, Quichay, Fan qin cai.

Celery (Apium graveolens) is a biennial plant specie in the family of Apiaceae whose other members include carrots, dill and parsley. Celery is a common vegetable known for its leafy stalk that has a distinctive flavor and crunchy texture popularly added to salads and dishes.

Celery grows to a height of up to 500 cm. Celery has leaf stalks that are conical in shape growing from a common base and are topped with leaves that are pinnate to bipinnate with rhombic leaflets about 3 to 6 cm long and 2 to 5 cm broad.

Celery produces flowers that are creamy-white in color about 2–3 mm in diameter arranged in dense compound umbels. Celery seeds are broad ovoid about 1 to 2 mm long and wide

While celery is prized for its leaf stalk, the leaves, roots and seeds can also be used as a food and seasoning as well as an herbal medicinal remedy.

Nutritional Facts and constituents, Nutritonal Value of Celery

Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)

Energy - 57 kJ (14 kcal)

Carbohydrates - 3 g

Sugar - 1.4 g

Dietary Fiber - 1.6 g

Fat - 0.2 g

Protein - 0.7 g

Water - 95 g

Vitamin C - 3 mg (4%)

Percentages are relative to US recommendations for adults.

Source: USDA Nutrient Database

Nutrients  % Daily Value
Calcium  4
Calories  0
fiber          5.6
folate          9
magnesium  2.7
manganese  5
molybdenum  6.7
potassium  7.5
tryptophan  3.1
vitamin A  9
vitamin B2  3.5
vitamin B6  3.5
vitamin B5  2.5
vitamin C  5.2
vitamin K  36.9

Celery Chemical Constituents:

3-butyl-4,5-dihydrophthalide; 3-N-butyl-phthalide; alpha-linolenic-acid; ascorbate; beta-eudesmol; boron; calcium; chlorophyll; choline; coumarins; fatty acids; fixed oil; flavonoids; furanocoumarins; guaiacol; iron; isoimperatorin; isoquercitrin; limonene; linoleic acid; magnesium; p-cymene; phenolic compounds; phosphorous potash; potassium; silicon; sodium; sulphur; terpinene-4-ol; umbelliferone; Vitamin A; Vitamin B; Vitamin C; volatile oils, and zinc

celery Availability

Although it is available throughout the year in most markets and vegetable stores, Celery can be at its best during its peak season at summer months when the local varieties can easily be found.

Celery Medicinal uses and Health Benefits

Celery helps to boost the immune system

A major health benefit from celery is taht it is rich in vitamins and minerals that helps support the immune system against harmful pathogens.

Celery can lower cholesterol level.

In a study published iin “Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology Journal, Mar. 1996” genetically hypercholesterolaemic and normocholesterolaemic rats that were given celery extracts exhibited lower concentration of cholesterol in blood compared to control rats that were not given celery extract.

Celery can lower high blood pressure

Celery contains active compounds called phthalides. Phthalides has been found to help relax the muscles around the arteries and dilating the blood vessels thereby facilitating blood flow. The compound 3-n-butyl phthalide has been found to lower the blood pressure in laboratory rats to about 12 to 14%. Celery is also a good source of blood pressure lowering minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium

Celery has Diuretic Activity

Celery stalks and seeds has always been used traditionally as diuretic. Celery contains minerals such as potassium, sodium and other constituents that help regulate the fluid balance in the body and stimulating urine production to excrete excess body fluids.

Celery has Anti Cancer property

Celery is contains anti cancer compound called phenolic acid that acts against prostaglandins that encourage the growth of tumor cells. Celery also contains coumarins – a compound that acts against free radicals thereby protecting the cells from oxidative stress and damage.

Celery helps in Relieving Constipation:

Celery has a natural laxative effect that is beneficial against constipation.

Celery can Improve Kidney function:

The diuretic activity of celery helps promote healthy and normal kidney function. Celery helps in the elimination of toxins from the body and prevents the formation of kidney stones.

Anti inflammatory activity of celery

Celery is rich in vitamins C that helps the body fight against cell damaging free radicals that cascades into inflammation. This activity offers health benefits for people with asthma, rheumatism and osteoarthritis.

Celery can improve cardio vascular health

Celery is a very good source of vitamin C, a vitamin that helps to support the immune system. Vitamin C also acts against free radicals that oxidize cholesterol and lead to plaques deposits causing stoke and heart attacks.

celery side effects, contraidications and warning

Celery being a nutritious vegetable is generally safe for human consumption. It is also safe for young children, pregnant women and breast feeding mothers.

A rare side effect of celery is that it can trigger allergic reaction to people sensitive to psoralens – a chemical produced by celery as a natural pesticide against fungi. It can cause skin irritation, rash and itchiness.

Another potential side effect of celery is that it can lower blood pressure. For people with low blood pressure problems, celery consumption may further lower the blood pressure.

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