15 Health Benefits Of Garlic

Indian curries are incomplete without garlic – a simple ingredient with packed health benefits. It is very strong and bitter but adds an unbelievable flavour to the cuisine. Any description of garlic is incomplete without mentioning its medicinal values. This miracle herb has been used since time immemorial as a medicine to prevent or treat various diseases and conditions.

Garlic has a variety of potent sulphur-containing compounds which are the reason for its characteristic pungent odour. Allicin, the vital compound among them, is known to have great anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-oxidant properties. The benefits of allicin can be best garnered when it’s finely chopped, minced or pureed and let sit for some time. Garlic is also a reliable source of selenium. Allicin, along with other compounds like ajoene, alliin, etc. found in them also have an effect on the circulatory, digestive and immunological systems of our body and help in lowering blood pressure, detoxification, healing, etc.

1. Antibacterial and Antiviral
Garlic is most well-known for its antibacterial and antiviral properties. They help control bacterial, viral, fungal, yeast and worm infections. Fresh garlic is thought to play a role in preventing food poisoning by killing bacteria like E. coli, Salmonella enteritidis, etc.

2. To treat skin infections
The chemical ajoene found in garlic may help treat fungal skin infections like ringworm and athlete’s foot.

3. Blood thinning
The anti-clotting properties of ajoene found in garlic help in preventing the formation of blood clots in the body. Hence, it may also increase the risk of bleeding after surgery.

4. Reduce blood pressure
Angiotensin II is a protein that helps our blood vessels contract thereby increasing the blood pressure. Allicin in garlic blocks the activity of angiotensin II and helps in reducing blood pressure. The polysulphides present in garlic are converted into a gas called hydrogen sulphide by the red blood cells. Hydrogen sulphide dilates our blood vessels and helps control blood pressure.

5. Protect heart
Garlic protects our heart against cardiovascular problems like heart attacks and atherosclerosis. This cardio-protective property can be attributed to various factors. With age, the arteries tend to lose their ability to stretch. Garlic may help reduce this and may also protect the heart from the damaging effects of free oxygen radicals. The sulphur-containing compounds of garlic also prevent our blood vessels from becoming blocked and slow the development of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). The anti-clotting properties of ajoene help prevent clots from forming inside the blood vessels.

6. Reduce cholesterol
Garlic has the ability to moderately lower our blood triglycerides and total cholesterol and reduce arterial plaque formation.

7. Combat allergies
Garlic is known to have anti-inflammatory property. It can help the body fight against allergies. The anti-arthritic property of garlic is due to diallyl sulphide and thiacremonone.  Garlic has been show to improve allergic airway inflammation (allergic rhinitis). Raw garlic juice may be used to immediately stop the itching due to rashes and bug bites.

8. Remedy for respiratory problems

Daily use of garlic might reduce the frequency and number of colds. Its antibacterial properties help in treating throat irritations. Garlic may also reduce the severity of upper respiratory tract infections. Its benefits in disorders of the lungs like asthma, difficulty of breathing, etc. make it a priceless medicine.  Its ability to promote expectoration makes it irreplaceable in chronic bronchitis.

9. Diabetes
Garlic increases insulin release and regulates blood sugar levels in diabetics.

10. Effective against warts and corns
Applying fat dissolving garlic extracts to corns on the feet and warts on the hands is thought to improve these conditions.

11. Cancer prevention
Daily intake of garlic has been found to lower risk of most types of cancer. This anti-cancer property is due to allyl sulphides found in garlic. PhIP, a type of heterocyclic amine (HCA), has been associated with increased incidence of breast cancer among women. According to studies, diallyl sulphide found in garlic inhibits the transformation of PhIP into carcinogens.

12. Improve iron metabolism
Ferroportin is a protein which helps in iron absorption and release. Diallyl sulphides in garlic increase production of ferroportin and help improve iron metabolism.

13. Stir up passions
Garlic’s aphrodisiac property is due to its ability to increase the circulation.

14. Toothaches
Simply put some crushed garlic clove directly on the affected tooth can help relieve toothaches due to its antibacterial and analgesic properties. But be aware that it can be irritating to the gum.

15. Reduce weight

Many researchers believe that obesity is a state of long-term low-grade inflammation. According to recent research, garlic may help to regulate the formation of fat cells in our body. Pre-adipocytes are converted into fat cells (adipocytes) through inflammatory system activity. The anti-inflammatory property of 1, 2-DT (1, 2-vinyldithiin) found in garlic may help inhibit this conversion. This may help prevent weight gain.

Health Benefits of Okra



The plant okra and its seed pods are also called the “lady`s fingers”. People in the US, the UK,
and the Philippines call it okra with other pronunciation in Nigeria and Caribbean English of okro.

One glass of fresh okra contains 30 calories, 2 grams of proteins, 3 grams of dietary fiber,
0.1 grams of fat, 7.6 grams of carbohydrates, about 80 micrograms of folate, 21 milligrams of vitamin C,
and 60 milligrams of magnesium. Due to these substances, the okra is an amazing plant which is
highly beneficial for human`s health.

You can enjoy the health benefits of this plant in different forms- stewed, boiled, pickled, fried,
at any period of the year. Okra is able to relieve asthma symptoms, boost the immunity, reduce the
levels of cholesterol, fight against diabetes, prevent kidney disease, and so on. In addition, it has been considered
an effective ingredient in reducing the quantity of glucose consumed by food through your gastrointestinal tract.

Here we present to you an easy homemade recipe with okra that will help you balance the levels of sugar in your blood naturally:
You need 4 raw okras. Cut their tails and heads and put 2-3 cuts in a cup of water. Let them stay over the night. Drink the water
in the morning, half an hour before breakfast.

Source : mynaturalwayoflife.co


Base on my experience.. Last January 2014 I took my annual Physical Examination, as mandated by my employer. Everything is fine, except my eyes. The opta advised me to wear eye glasses. Even I am not comfortable to wear it, I wore eyeglasses. One time, I found my old wallet and i found out the list of  different ingredients (herb) in formulating "pro-biotic". This was I heard someone expert in Pro-biotic. In making story short, I mix those ingredients and start drinking it. After a month, as I noticed my eyes need not to wear eyeglasses. The dizziness I felt when I'm not using my eyeglasses is gone. And I believe that this mixed herb will also effective to other diseases. By the way, I am looking for someone want to try this "pro-biotic" formula. If interested, just message me.

Other uses of Celery - Herbal Medicine

What is celery

Scientific Nmae : Apium graveolens

Common Names : Celery, kintsay, Apio, Ch'in-nst'ai, Quichay, Fan qin cai.

Celery (Apium graveolens) is a biennial plant specie in the family of Apiaceae whose other members include carrots, dill and parsley. Celery is a common vegetable known for its leafy stalk that has a distinctive flavor and crunchy texture popularly added to salads and dishes.

Celery grows to a height of up to 500 cm. Celery has leaf stalks that are conical in shape growing from a common base and are topped with leaves that are pinnate to bipinnate with rhombic leaflets about 3 to 6 cm long and 2 to 5 cm broad.

Celery produces flowers that are creamy-white in color about 2–3 mm in diameter arranged in dense compound umbels. Celery seeds are broad ovoid about 1 to 2 mm long and wide

While celery is prized for its leaf stalk, the leaves, roots and seeds can also be used as a food and seasoning as well as an herbal medicinal remedy.

Nutritional Facts and constituents, Nutritonal Value of Celery

Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)

Energy - 57 kJ (14 kcal)

Carbohydrates - 3 g

Sugar - 1.4 g

Dietary Fiber - 1.6 g

Fat - 0.2 g

Protein - 0.7 g

Water - 95 g

Vitamin C - 3 mg (4%)

Percentages are relative to US recommendations for adults.

Source: USDA Nutrient Database

Nutrients  % Daily Value
Calcium  4
Calories  0
fiber          5.6
folate          9
magnesium  2.7
manganese  5
molybdenum  6.7
potassium  7.5
tryptophan  3.1
vitamin A  9
vitamin B2  3.5
vitamin B6  3.5
vitamin B5  2.5
vitamin C  5.2
vitamin K  36.9

Celery Chemical Constituents:

3-butyl-4,5-dihydrophthalide; 3-N-butyl-phthalide; alpha-linolenic-acid; ascorbate; beta-eudesmol; boron; calcium; chlorophyll; choline; coumarins; fatty acids; fixed oil; flavonoids; furanocoumarins; guaiacol; iron; isoimperatorin; isoquercitrin; limonene; linoleic acid; magnesium; p-cymene; phenolic compounds; phosphorous potash; potassium; silicon; sodium; sulphur; terpinene-4-ol; umbelliferone; Vitamin A; Vitamin B; Vitamin C; volatile oils, and zinc

celery Availability

Although it is available throughout the year in most markets and vegetable stores, Celery can be at its best during its peak season at summer months when the local varieties can easily be found.

Celery Medicinal uses and Health Benefits

Celery helps to boost the immune system

A major health benefit from celery is taht it is rich in vitamins and minerals that helps support the immune system against harmful pathogens.

Celery can lower cholesterol level.

In a study published iin “Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology Journal, Mar. 1996” genetically hypercholesterolaemic and normocholesterolaemic rats that were given celery extracts exhibited lower concentration of cholesterol in blood compared to control rats that were not given celery extract.

Celery can lower high blood pressure

Celery contains active compounds called phthalides. Phthalides has been found to help relax the muscles around the arteries and dilating the blood vessels thereby facilitating blood flow. The compound 3-n-butyl phthalide has been found to lower the blood pressure in laboratory rats to about 12 to 14%. Celery is also a good source of blood pressure lowering minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium

Celery has Diuretic Activity

Celery stalks and seeds has always been used traditionally as diuretic. Celery contains minerals such as potassium, sodium and other constituents that help regulate the fluid balance in the body and stimulating urine production to excrete excess body fluids.

Celery has Anti Cancer property

Celery is contains anti cancer compound called phenolic acid that acts against prostaglandins that encourage the growth of tumor cells. Celery also contains coumarins – a compound that acts against free radicals thereby protecting the cells from oxidative stress and damage.

Celery helps in Relieving Constipation:

Celery has a natural laxative effect that is beneficial against constipation.

Celery can Improve Kidney function:

The diuretic activity of celery helps promote healthy and normal kidney function. Celery helps in the elimination of toxins from the body and prevents the formation of kidney stones.

Anti inflammatory activity of celery

Celery is rich in vitamins C that helps the body fight against cell damaging free radicals that cascades into inflammation. This activity offers health benefits for people with asthma, rheumatism and osteoarthritis.

Celery can improve cardio vascular health

Celery is a very good source of vitamin C, a vitamin that helps to support the immune system. Vitamin C also acts against free radicals that oxidize cholesterol and lead to plaques deposits causing stoke and heart attacks.

celery side effects, contraidications and warning

Celery being a nutritious vegetable is generally safe for human consumption. It is also safe for young children, pregnant women and breast feeding mothers.

A rare side effect of celery is that it can trigger allergic reaction to people sensitive to psoralens – a chemical produced by celery as a natural pesticide against fungi. It can cause skin irritation, rash and itchiness.

Another potential side effect of celery is that it can lower blood pressure. For people with low blood pressure problems, celery consumption may further lower the blood pressure.

Benefits of Banaba Leaves - Lagerstroemia speciosa

Banaba herbal tea is also used for sustained weight-loss management. The corosolic acid in Banaba leaves and flowers
acts by delaying and reducing the absorption of carbohydrates by the body. Continued drinking of banaba tea causes
weight loss without any side effects.

In a group study that has been conducted for Glucosol™-a US patent drug containing corosolic acid. There was a
reduction of weight for diabetic subjects. Similar study was done for non-diabetics and it was found that corosolic
acid does not alter either the absorption or clearance of blood sugar in non-diabetic subjects, while retaining its
weight-loss effect (Corosolic acid formulation and its application for weight-loss management and blood sugar balance.
US Patent Issued on August 31, 2004 ).

How To Use Banaba Herb For Weight Loss?
Preparation and application of Banaba herbal tea for weight loss management

Dry Banaba leaves and fruits for about two weeks
cut Banaba leaves and fuits into peices
Boil the dried leaves and fruits in water,
one cup of dried banaba leaves and fruits to 2 cups of water.
Let it seep for 30 minutes,
Strain the leaves and fruits.
Take the Banaba herbal tea for 4 to 6 times dai
Banaba Side Effects
Although according to studies, there were no known toxic or adverse effect from Banaba. However if discomfort
occurs, stop using Banaba herbal tea.

Other Banaba Health Benefits
Banaba is also used for other folkloric herbal medicine for the treatment of the following

blood pressure control ,
kidney disorders,
urinary dysfunctions (helps ease urination) ,
controls the cholesterol levels,
treatment of diarrhea,
facilitates bowel movement
treatment of fevers and others.

Banaba in capsule form is easier to partake avoiding the hassles of preparing the banaba tea.
A lot are now being sold in the market, but it is best that you buy from a reputable company that produces
high quality Banaba capsules.

Health Benefits of Banana

Bananas help overcome depression due to high levels of tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin -- the happy-mood brain neurotransmitter.

Eat two bananas before a strenuous workout to pack an energy punch and sustain your blood sugar.
Protect against muscle cramps during workouts and nighttime leg cramps by eating a banana.
Counteract calcium loss during urination and build strong bones by supplementing with a banana.
Improve your mood and reduce PMS symptoms by eating a banana, which regulates blood sugar and produces stress-relieving relaxation.
Bananas reduce swelling, protect against type II diabetes, aid weight loss, strengthen the nervous system, and help with the production of white blood cells, all due to high levels of vitamin B-6.
Strengthen your blood and relieve anemia with the added iron from bananas.
High in potassium and low in salt, bananas are officially recognized by the FDA as being able to lower blood pressure and protect against heart attack and stroke.

Eating Bananas Aids Digestion
Rich in pectin, bananas aid digestion and gently chelate toxins and heavy metals from the body.
Bananas act as a prebiotic, stimulating the growth of friendly bacteria in the bowel. They also produce digestive enzymes to assist in absorbing nutrients.
Constipated? High fiber in bananas can help normalize bowel motility.
Got the runs? Bananas are soothing to the digestive tract and help restore lost electrolytes after diarrhea.
Bananas are a natural antacid, providing relief from acid reflux, heartburn and GERD.
Bananas are the only raw fruit that can be consumed without distress to relieve stomach ulcers by coating the lining of the stomach against corrosive acids.

Natural Cures From A Simple Banana
Eating bananas will help prevent kidney cancer, protects the eyes against macular degeneration and builds strong bones by increasing calcium absorption.
Bananas make you smarter and help with learning by making you more alert. Eat a banana before an exam to benefit from the high levels of potassium.
Bananas are high in antioxidants, providing free radicals and protection from chronic disease.
Eating a banana between meals helps stabilize blood sugar and reduce nausea from morning sickness.
Rub a bug bite or hives with the inside of the banana peel to relieve itching and irritation.
Control blood sugar and avoid binging between meals by eating a banana.
Eating a banana can lower the body temperature and cool you during a fever or on a hot day.
The natural mood-enhancer tryptophan, helps to relieve Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
Quitting smoking? Bananas contain high levels of B-vitamins as well as potassium and magnesium to speed recovery from the effects of withdrawal.
Remove a wart by placing the inside of a piece of banana peel against the wart and taping it in place.
Rub the inside of a banana peel on your leather shoes or handbag and polish with a dry cloth for a quick shine.

Back And Leg Pain - Permanent Cure For The Backbone

The backbone, back and leg pain usually appear due to long sitting or extreme physical activity. Stop worrying because there is totally natural solution for your problems. If you start consuming this medicine, you will feel the positive changes in the very first days. If you continue the consumption, you will fully recover in two months.
Try this natural remedy and you won`t be able to recognize your backbone. Every genius thing is actually very simple and approachable.

If you want to recover these pains, we have an amazing solution.


1 dried apricot
1 dried fig
5 dried prunes
Take these fruits every night, for two months.

Here are the benefits:

Prunes are the most effective fruit in loss due to rich sources of phenols and flavonoids compounds.

Apricots provide a significant source of potassium. Potassium is a mineral and electrolyte that helps you maintain proper fluid balance, aids in muscle function, and helps regulate heartbeat. Potassium also promotes healthy digestion and strong bones. Getting sufficient amounts of potassium each day can help you maintain normal blood pressure and might reduce your risk of having a stroke.

Figs are an amazing source of calcium, a mineral that is involved in bone density. Their high potassium content may counteract the urinary excretion of calcium caused by high salt diets. This in turn helps to keep calcium in bones and lessens the risk of osteoporosis.

Source: healthandwellness365.org

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